Before the Revolutionary war, there were multiple conflicts between the colonists and the British, as the political differences on taxing, taxation without representation and colonists demanded more rights. All of this led to the violent war between the British and the Americans. The war was brutal in many ways such as the killings of innocent people and unlawful burnings of civilian villages. At the start of the war, the Americans didn't know what they were fighting for, but since they wrote the Declaration of Independence and signed it on July 4, 1776, they were destined to get their own nation. The war didn't get easier for both and the Americans were starting to lose hope. The British had a larger army, but they didn't have one thing, which was hope. The Americans were fighting for their freedom, but the British were just ordered to fight by George III. The hope kept the Americans going until the French came to the rescue and helped the colonists defeat the British. The first president was elected and was, of course, George Washington. He was the first to sign the US copyright law and he made the 26th of November a national holiday of Thanksgiving. Without him, the war would not have been the same and we wouldn't have the USA as we have it today.